Meet devon dennis

Devon Dennis is a passionate outdoor enthusiast and content creator based in Vail, blending his love for guiding with photography and social media to inspire others in outdoor activities.


Devon Dennis

Devon Dennis grew up in Pennsylvania. There, he developed his love for outdoor activities through hiking, mountain biking and snowboarding.

Later, he studied guiding in Cordoba, Argentina. In Argentina, he explored his possibilities guiding. While in school he discovered a love for photo and video. In addition to guiding, he likes to think of creating content as another way of introducing others to the activities he loves. Now, living in Vail, he designs our website and runs all Social Media content.

Devon is a fanatic of SPAM, the one food he rarely finds outside of the states. He has also converted many of his friends in Argentina into SPAM addicts with his specialty American breakfasts.

He has guided in Utah, Colorado and Argentina. In his spare time he enjoys making music, videos, sport climbing and snowboarding.



  • AASI Level 2 Snowboard Instructor
  • ISAUI Instituto Superior Arturo Umberto Illia
    • Alpine, Rock, and Ice Trained
  • Wilderness First Responder
  • CPR/First Aid Certified